so i can tell you how much i missed you. even though never saw you, never kissed you good-bye, never told you good night in a weird smile.
but you should come back soon so i can get to know you, get to kiss you good-bye, get to tell you good night, but wait for the sun light so i could see you again, get to know you, kiss you good-bye, tell you hi, again and again, cause you are my friend, my one and only, who can reach me when i.m hidden in my thoughts, hidden in my, oh, my, you aren.t here, but you.ll soon be, to know me, to kiss me good-bye, to tell me good night.
my friend, am i going to wait here forever? or you should get back home soon...?
paradoxul toleranței
Acum o săptămână
this kinda fits for beatrice.... somehow, someway